12 Responses to 173 | Brown Shorts

  1. F
    Frank says:

    I wouldn’t trust something a box told me.

    I wonder if this is going to be the person who fits in.

  2. Thorin Mason Schmidt says:

    I don’t know. Most of the people I know trust their talking boxes completely. It’s why people don’t think for themselves any more!

  3. evileeyore says:

    I’m guessing this another drawn from Real Life Interviews. You’ve now beat me.

    My worst was someone drawing a knife when asked how they’d deal with an unruly guest harassing female patrons (it was for a bouncer position). Another weird one was a chick stripping off her pants to show us their tattoo of their favorite lead singer’s face on their butt. Again, a club job, but I still don’t understand what they thought that would bring to the conversation.

  4. S
    Stephen says:

    That’s very odd

    There’s no visible security cameras on the building exterior (I can only see the floodlight housings) and the keypad is one of those old designs without a camera

    So how can The Mighty Intercom see that Delivery Guy is wearing brown shorts?

    Cough Methinks a leetle bit of retcon or workaround might be in order Cough?

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