12 Responses to 183 | Cake Shop

  1. Myk Streja says:

    And each and every one of them thinks they have a chance of going out on a date with Mai. Ugh…

  2. evileeyore says:

    The moment I saw the first panel I knew what was up.

    And I bet Handlebar Mustache set the whole thing up, it seems like his style. (No, I can’t remember his name, I’m terrible about names in comics without a cast page.)

  3. Stephen says:

    Remind me again please,

    Deedee is still officially an art monkey right? And it’s only been a few weeks since she was given the public humiliation of having to work outside in a literal bouncy castle

    What makes the manboys think she has any influence over anything including what kind of coffee she’s allowed to drink in GameFortress?

    T-Rex needs a slap too. He looks like he helped set this one up to have a laugh at DeeDee’s expense

    I notice how Mace isn’t involved

    Too much thinking with your trousers feeling too tight boys

  4. Frank says:

    And runs down the street with it laughing maniacally.

  5. Damoinion says:

    I wonder how many of the remember what it’s like to roll backfire dice?

    • mvandinter says:

      I sure don’t. Feel free to elaborate.

      • Damoinion says:

        Normally used for spell casting in many RPG’s. Some also use them for physical skills as well.
        If you get a critical fail on a spell or skill check i.e. natural 01 on a D20 you get to find out just how bad the failure is by using a Backfire Table.
        The systems I’ve played all used a D100 table.
        Sometimes, the GM will roll for the result, I like making PC’s roll their own (and the party’s) fate themselves.
        Some of the results can be really bad, like an archer failing a called target and hitting the healer in the head for max damage. Or they can get funny, like a wild mage casting distraction on a group of guards and having the backfire cause the entire party to smell like slightly rotten fish for the next 20 mins.

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