26 Responses to 174 | A.I.

  1. Alphaghoul says:

    Huh, I didn’t expect to see sci-fi elements in this webcomic, I also expected to never see what was in the box for comedic effect.

    • mvandinter says:

      That’s a great idea, Alphaghoul. I wish I’d thought of it.
      Also, are you sure this is sci-fi? It looks more like a restaurant POS/menu tablet to me (note the credit card reader).

    • Thorfinn says:

      You might say The Mighty Intercom is already sort of sci-fi’ish

      • Stephen says:

        After today’s reveal, and last week’s invisible camera trick, I’m guessing the reason The Mighty Intercom has never been caught shouting into a microphone at their desk is because they’re an AI too

        Released from a lab into the wilds of a computer games company! Lurking in the spare space on the server cpus!

        Ladies and Gentlemen! May I present to you HAL 1000!

  2. Thorin Mason Schmidt says:

    Buh, waaah?

  3. evileeyore says:


  4. Frank says:

    Ooh! She DOES fit! 🙂

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