11 Responses to Geek Fortress Does UNEARTH Book 1

  1. Stephen says:

    Well, if that doesn’t just scream “Not allowed to work in a closed office with only one female co-worker present” I don’t know what will

    Time for Lawyer Lady to do some major public good for a change and get Baron relocated to Antartica for some outreach work surveying the gaming habits of penguins

  2. Thorin Mason Schmidt says:

    And here I was getting ready to compiment the Author on his choice of Batgirl for Princess.

  3. Frank says:

    I miss my Grimlock.

    I wonder if Princess is decended from Alice and Dee Dee from Charlie.

    • mvandinter says:

      !) I worked on a Transformers video game based on the cartoon show that used a peripheral scanner that read the transforming state of different mini-Transformer-Toys, each with 2 RFID chips embedded. So, the game would know if your real life toy was in car-mode or robot-mode, and that’s the mode it would be in in the game. Sadly, the project got cancelled.

      2) As for the only two Game Fortress women employees being directly descended from 19th century sisters? Eh… I’ll get back to you once you get the DNA results.

      • Thorin Mason Schmidt says:

        Maybe they were suggesting a Spiritual reiocarntion or something like that.

        • Stephen says:


          I would be at risk of falling off my chair laughing if Princess turned out to be Baron’s half sister

          Or Deedee’s

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