Princess is just as insane as the rest of them. That 25th birthday coming up soon? 🙂
Motormouth has given both the idea and the control of a terrible, terrible weapon over to Princess now
Prepare for hormonal overload in the Gawk squad in 3….
Never mind their heads all exploded and they dropped dead
Oh well, that’s a shame…thinks to self
Dear Mr/Mrs (insert name)
We are deeply sorry your (son/daughter) died at work here at Game Fortress due to (insert cause of death). Game Fortress regrets losing (insert name deeply) who was an excellent employee whom shall be sorely missed and offers you our deepest condolences
Okay now,
Put out the adverts for the next barrel of code monkeys! And hire a janitor to sweep up those bodies! We have backers coming in shortly and we need the floor so clean the interns could eat their dinner off it!
I’m still not sure why HR is allowing a clearly disruptive toy to be brought to work, hehe. Where’s that lady lawyer when you need her?
HR? Is there an HR Department I don’t know about?
The company sacked Lawyer Lady who seemed to be doing the HR role for them as an external consultant
I still want to see whoever has to do the accounts and pay the wages for this shower
If they’re an external body the possibilities are endless 🙂
Well, no work is getting done today.
So did Princess coordinate outfits with Doll-Princess?
evileeyore, what evidence do we have that any work EVER gets done at Game Fortress, Inc.?
What can I say? She just wore it better.
Princess is just as insane as the rest of them. That 25th birthday coming up soon? 🙂
Motormouth has given both the idea and the control of a terrible, terrible weapon over to Princess now
Prepare for hormonal overload in the Gawk squad in 3….
Never mind their heads all exploded and they dropped dead
Oh well, that’s a shame…thinks to self
Dear Mr/Mrs (insert name)
We are deeply sorry your (son/daughter) died at work here at Game Fortress due to (insert cause of death). Game Fortress regrets losing (insert name deeply) who was an excellent employee whom shall be sorely missed and offers you our deepest condolences
Okay now,
Put out the adverts for the next barrel of code monkeys! And hire a janitor to sweep up those bodies! We have backers coming in shortly and we need the floor so clean the interns could eat their dinner off it!
Move it people! Hut hut hut!
Oh, man, Stephen! Now I’ve got to come up with designs for mourning family members of virtually-nameless deceased employees!
Don’t think of it as you murdering the greek chorus in a fit of artistic madness
Think of it as a chance to refresh the cast!
Or just have it as metaphor. Metaphor will work 🙂
Imagine being so desperate that you end up competing with a life size doll of yourself. And possibly losing.
Well put, Demarquis!