218 | With Furniture By Grim Robot | January 20, 2025 - 12:00 am |January 20, 2025 ‹‹ First ‹ Prev Comments(12) Next › Last ›› Bookmark the permalink.
Good for Princess
I can respect giving up on publicly beating Motormouth with a steel bar in exchange for a mint condition child’s toy you may have wanted or had when you were a kid
That’s how I would feel about a number of toys I never got as a kid.
Same with old Lego from before I was born.
Though I can just get old pieces I want separately.
That box could be extremely vsluable
Definitely more valuable than the cappuccino machine Baron tried to bribe Princess with a few page back.
Seeing how the value of any coffee machine would be approximately zero for Princess. I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t even drink coffee.
Yeah, iy quieted a prima donna.
Yes. Yes he did. Clever lad.
Are we going to learn more about the doll?
Gee, I certainly hope so!
Proving she’s just a big a geek as the rest of them!
She could just be sentimental about her childhood, I suppose.
Typo alert: argument, not arguement.