16 Responses to 216 | Dreamhouse

  1. Alphaghoul says:

    Has it been revealed that she’s a geek in her own way already?

  2. Alphaghoul says:

    Also you didn’t answer my question from last update, I posted that comment a few days after you posted that comic.

  3. Myk Streja says:

    I remember my sister wanting the Dream House for Christmas. Santa didn’t deliver and she didn’t take it well. Probably why I remember it so well.

    • Grim Robot says:

      One X-mas when I was little there was an elaborately-constructed and wrapped box under under the tree… from “Santa”. I was super-excited imagining what the gift inside could be. Still, I had to wait for what seemed like forever before my parents let me get my claws into it. When I was finally allowed to opened it and saw what was inside I was devastated. It contained socks and underwear.

  4. evileeyore says:

    Okay… so over.under on Baron having collected that treasure for himself, or in case he ever needed to gain Princess’ favour for something… like something right now.

  5. Frank says:

    But YOU wouldn’t be interested in that, WOULD you??? >:(

  6. Frank says:

    You know, Princess, in this company, you’re the crazy one.

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