15 Responses to 194 | Logan

  1. Stephen says:

    Well, it’s a less cheesy/creepy move than when Darren said he drives a Ferrari to DeeDee

    And Lawyer Lady? It’s an “action figurine”

    Save the “doll” ammunition for if you want to metaphorically kick him one in the Wolverines

  2. Til says:

    Well that‘ an unexpected turn of events…

    • theReader says:

      Is it really? He’s a gaming geek who dresses up as a cliché rich boss guy. I’d say trying to hit on girls is part of his “fantasy super-hero” persona. (Mine is the Office Yoda. Wise advice, seldome has to do anything 😀 )

  3. evileeyore says:

    Oh no Baron! You’ll get even more lawyer stink on you!

    Just don’t sign anything without passing it by a completely different lawyer!

  4. Frank says:

    Ohhhhhhhhh, dear. He’s hitting on the greedy lawyer and she’s at least pretending to be a Wolverine fan. He’s in trouuuuuble.

    MY lawyer, on the other hand, is not greedy and she’s a Deadpool fan. That doesn’t preclude likeing Wolverine or Hugh Jackman, but I just like talking about her.

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