14 Responses to 190 | Headhunting

  1. tanstaafl says:

    Haha. Turnabout is fair play, lawyer lady.

    But as long as management remains riled up the “consulting lawfirm” will continue to get its pound of flesh. Good job, DeeDee.

    • mvandinter says:

      But what about poor Lawyer Lady? Without her commission from this gig, how will she be able to feed her pet sharks?

      • Stephen says:


        You want to artificially limit your recruitment pool to please someone with your hiring choices

        Well, you have to fork out the cash to: –

        a) Get what you want by finding someone already skilled and willing to work for you;


        b) Train up whom you want to be what you want

        Unless you get lucky and: –

        c) You’ve been praying to RNGesus, been answered and a suitable candidate just so happens to walk through the interview room door

        Frankly, option b) sounds less stupid than praying for option a) to work out, but maybe someone is looking down the barrel of an ultimatum

        Option c) was cheapest but hasn’t panned out

        So it’s time to give up, try option c) again, or start forking over the readies

      • Stephen says:

        Those aren’t sharks, they’re baby lawyers!

      • Frank says:


      • Til says:

        Nothing that a little skinny dipping can‘t fix in this case…

  2. Frank says:

    Total failure.

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