18 Responses to 187 | Dress Up

  1. Stephen says:


    Looks like Princess is still badly rattled by Mai existing. That behavior is inexcusable

    Great way to set a terrible first impression of the company and what it’s like to work there though

    Though it does look like the new interviewee might be a tad on the aggressive side

    • mvandinter says:

      Stephen, do you really really want the employees of Game Fortress, Inc. to start behaving like well-adjusted, competent professionals?

      • Stephen says:

        I just thought Princess had more class

        More and more she’s turning out to be just a over spoilled Daddy’s girl

  2. Alphaghoul says:

    1. So, I meant in my last comment that I’d like to see some of the previous candidates return in future updates because they have potential as new characters.
    2. I noticed in the last update that someone guessed that she’s actually a child and not just short like Deedee, and then you confirmed it. I wonder if it’ll get weird when they realize that Deedee is the same height as her, along with I think some of the male staff (some of them being the same hight as a child that is). Makes you wonder why they don’t have suits in her size in this world.

    • Myk Streja says:

      Maybe the suit she’s wearing really is her dad’s suit and that’s why it fits like that.

      • Stephen says:

        If it’s a tweed blazer then it’s likely to be either her grandad’s suit or thrift store

        Meh, not everyone has money for a good suit until they land their first good paying job

        She would have been able to wear a smart looking dress to interview though for not that much…Hmmm…..

        Probably crazy then or a Whoviaan fan of the 11th Doctor

        So, she’s almost the perfect Game CubicleCage employee! (Damnit, why does that keep happening?)

        Deathmatch vs. Virgil in 3….2…..

    • mvandinter says:

      Replies to Alphaghoul:
      1. May very well happen.
      2a. Cartoons
      2b. No one in real life shows up to Game Dev job interviews in a suit.

      • evileeyore says:

        I have a friend who did. Back in the early-mid ’90s… he almost didn’t get hired they thought he’d be too “straight laced and uptight”, but since he was still in his first year of college they took a chance and hired him anyway. He’s always been one of the most laid-back stoners I know, but he listened to his Dad’s “How to make a good impression on interviews” advice and almost lost his dream job. Showed up in a nice business suit with a breifcase.

  3. evileeyore says:

    Why do I feel like a “Hackers” hacking montage is coming up wherein CP (Child Prodigy) hacks Princess in various ways, like having her win the MIss Ugliest Person Award, having trash delivered to her home, her car towed, her Starbucks account closed and all the boys in the cubicle pit being denied from buying for her, etc…

  4. Frank says:

    Now, now, Princess. Just because Deed’s disappointed you doesn’t mean that you afford to make enemies. Or maybe you can. I’m enjoying this. 🙂

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