I can’t blame her, the way she’s been treated from the start is awful. Just because she’s a she, no one has let her do the job she was hired for, no one listened to her complaint, and even the lawyer that was hired to clear up the matter seemed to only want to drive her away. I’d wager this lawyer isn’t a real one, a feminist wanna-be paralegal that’s spent more time trying to learn about psychology of discrimination rather than understanding her complaints. And since the rest of the guys are totally freaked out at a girl working at there, no one can handle just simple basic talk. So what, everyone is still in 4th grade? jeez… DeeDee need her OWN lawyer, with more than half a brain 😉
This is DeeDee’s first job, she lives in a 1-bedroom apartment, and rides a bicycle to work. DeeDee can’t afford her own lawyer, unless perhaps things get bad enough to interest the ACLU.
It has been hinted that she (the lawyer, I mean) has in fact been hired to try to drive DeeDee away, and is only using the whole discrimantion thing as a mean to that end (the boss, apparently, can’t handle having a woman in the company either)
No, Lawyer Lady is a real lawyer, resolving the conflict quickly would be in conflict of interest, since her goal is actually racking up enough billable hours of “expert conflict mediation” to make the monthly payment on her car, home, and condo.
So what exactly game making skills does she have exactly?
She’s a graphics designer, aka Art Monkey, as according to Baron.
Which game making skills does she have? We may never know!
Mostly because she’s never going to actually get to work on making a game.
I can’t blame her, the way she’s been treated from the start is awful. Just because she’s a she, no one has let her do the job she was hired for, no one listened to her complaint, and even the lawyer that was hired to clear up the matter seemed to only want to drive her away. I’d wager this lawyer isn’t a real one, a feminist wanna-be paralegal that’s spent more time trying to learn about psychology of discrimination rather than understanding her complaints. And since the rest of the guys are totally freaked out at a girl working at there, no one can handle just simple basic talk. So what, everyone is still in 4th grade? jeez… DeeDee need her OWN lawyer, with more than half a brain 😉
This is DeeDee’s first job, she lives in a 1-bedroom apartment, and rides a bicycle to work. DeeDee can’t afford her own lawyer, unless perhaps things get bad enough to interest the ACLU.
It has been hinted that she (the lawyer, I mean) has in fact been hired to try to drive DeeDee away, and is only using the whole discrimantion thing as a mean to that end (the boss, apparently, can’t handle having a woman in the company either)
Trouble is, I’m not really sure who the real boss is. The conspiracy is just too vast!
No, Lawyer Lady is a real lawyer, resolving the conflict quickly would be in conflict of interest, since her goal is actually racking up enough billable hours of “expert conflict mediation” to make the monthly payment on her car, home, and condo.
Listen to Thorin! He knows of what he speaks!
Yes, you drove the problem fromt he room, now quick resolve teh conflict before the Lawyer brings in reinforcements who take over the company!
If these were the kind of people to talk about Dee-Dee’s issue without a lawyer, they wouldn’t have called one.
evileeyore, I like your thinking. Trouble is I don’t much like the thinking of the cartoon management.
That’s never a good sign.
This comic isn’t exactly full of good signs.
That would be boring.
This is really, really bad (wo)man mismanagement
Deedee should be clearly and openly given the opportunity to choose a co-worker or representative to sit in with her
Instead she’s pretty obviously being ganged up on by people whom seem determined to score themselves a major constructive dismissal lawsuit loss