020 | Number 1 Run By Grim Robot | June 3, 2021 - 12:01 am |March 20, 2023 ‹‹ First ‹ Prev Comments(7) Next › Last ›› Bookmark the permalink.
The corresponding assortment leftover/abandoned baked-goods boxes are off-screen.
That’s, um, kind of frightening.
The baked goods thing is actually comfortingly normal. Are there any bear claws left?
There are NEVER any bear claws left! NEVER!
Therefore Life is unfair.
Awwwww. I’ll make due with a rasberry turnover.
Frank, you made me do it! I just ate a gas-station/convenience-store bear-claw! And even though it was plastic-wrapped, chemical-packed and overpriced, it had to be done!
It did! I’m glad!
I had one myself, but it was signifigantly fancier.
I’m jealous.