16 Responses to 204 | Q-Tip

  1. Stephen says:


    Way too far

    Sack him

    • mvandinter says:

      Yeah, but I think maybe we should get the Lawyer Lady back to deal with it… legally.

      • evileeyore says:

        Nah, in this company you call in the Lawyers to deal with things a competent management team would have already dealt with, so since this is a case for legal, that means the management team will try to deal with it themselves.

        And Baron is one of those management team members….

  2. Myk Streja says:

    Did he just pull a knife defending a boys’ doll toy?

    • mvandinter says:

      I think she was threatening Rex (not the toy) with the nail polish remover.

    • evileeyore says:

      He pulled a knife defending his own face. He’s the “Little Man”.

      Normally, pulling a weapon at the workplace would be one o’ them there “HR Events”, but if it’s just the three of them… and Princess started it… she may be willing to pretend none of it happened.

      • evileeyore says:

        And since I don’t see anyone as listed as being HR… that’s probably Princess due to inherent sexism in corpoland. (I’ve never seen a man in an HR position in my life, every corp I’ve worked for that had an HR department – even if it was just one person – it was a woman).

        And here is where we find out they just rarely show up to work and they’re a complete Himbo like Hemsworth’s character in Ghostbusters (2016).

        • mvandinter says:

          evileeyore, if I understand you correctly, this comic is in desperate need of a “Himbo”. I’ll see what I can do.

          • Stephen says:


            A fist fight over work quality or some such can be passed over in some of the rougher workplaces out there as workers caring about their work

            But pulling what appears to be a genuine combat knife on someone?

            No, that’s one of those “serious consequences” moments. Police arrests, escorting off the premises, potential charges and immediate dismissal are all on the table

            Baron and Princess are both still management team and their goofing off doesn’t excuse Rex, whom is a grown man, from responsibility for his own actions

            • tanstaafl says:

              Huh, Princess is listed as “upper management” when all she does is sit at the front desk. “Office manager” is today’s euphemism for “secretary”. I think she’d have more real (if indirect) power as an actual secretary to actual functioning management. Though that would require her to do actual work. That’s the second thing I thought when reading the staff directory again. The first thing was “team? what team?” Princess, for one, is not a team player.

              BTW, that whom ought to be a who since that subsentence makes Rex a direct object again. (He is a grown man, not him is a grown man.)

              Anyway, I agree that pulling a knife here isn’t called for. It shouldabeen a Q-tip. A really large Q-tip.

  3. Thorfinn says:

    Why are everybody expecting this place to function by normal rules as to things like acceptable behaviour in the workplace? Absolutely nothing we have seen so far indicates that to be the case (rather on the contrary).

  4. Frank says:

    Rex, a man who never found a situation he couldn’t escalate.

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