21 Responses to 189 | Child Labor

  1. Myk Streja says:

    Lawyers suck. How did this one shoehorn her way in anyhow?

  2. Scorpinac says:

    Yeah, Child Labor Laws are the little cuties current nemesis.

    • Stephen says:

      Regardless of anything, Lawyer Lady is right

      Best they could do is offer a partnership or equivalent to help give her game a do-over and market it once polished

      Actual employment as a fulltime coder (which is what they’re looking for) right now will run smack bang into child labor laws (depending on locale of course)

      Part time work might be out of the question too. How would they integrate her into the coding team? Or manage when it hits crunch time and it’s all hands on deck for those 100 hour plus weeks where the keyboards are glowing white from overheating?

  3. Rango says:

    On the other hand this is a comic so it exists in an alternate reality anyway. You have to suspend disbelief.

    Have you ever tried to hire a bouncy castle at short notice?

  4. Frank says:

    Man, that lawyer’s SUCH a pill.

  5. Edward says:

    Lawyers are like rabid dogs- someone may love them, but everyone is still better off after you put them down.

    • Stephen says:

      On the other hand, it’s a great saving in bullets if you keep them and have matters dealt with through the legal system and/or courts!

      People will always be looking for justice or recompense and may take matters into their own hands if denied it. Like democracy, courts and lawyers are the least worst option available

      Obligatory Evil Lawyer Joke:-

      What do you call a Lawyer whom never made it in Civil or Criminal Practice?

      The Judge

    • mvandinter says:

      Facepalm Award
      Congrats, Edward!

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