14 Responses to 188 | Baby Teeth

  1. Myk Streja says:

    You’ve managed to create the perfect villain, and of course, it’s a lawyer bent on serving its DEI master.

    • mvandinter says:

      Do you think they should give her the boot?

      • Stephen says:


        Dysfunctional character interactions are key to us rolling on the floor laughing (as long as they don’t go too far, and have the occasional straight man to sell it to the audience)

        Then again, anyone can eventually wear out their welcome. Even if Lawyer Lady is pretty dysfunctional one act of hers could change the audience from booing to wishing for her to be cremated


        How old is the new candidate? Are we really going for a five out of five failure rate with this round of interviews?

        Looks like Mei and six months of tuition by DeCaf might be back in the running!

  2. Frank H. says:

    Oh, I’m liking this. 🙂

  3. Damoinion says:


  4. Alphaghoul says:

    Did everyone including myself just assume that they didn’t need to comment on Lawyer Lady breaking the two rules that she mentioned because we all assumed that someone else would? Well if that’s the case then I guess I’ll do it: I wonder if this means that she’s having a mental breakdown and/or is just about to quit her job.

    On another note, when you color the characters they look different than the way that I picture them. I don’t feel bad about it though, it doesn’t matter as long as I can enjoy the comic.

    • mvandinter says:

      Think “punchline”.

    • mvandinter says:

      There’s a phrase for people being self-contradictory: “People being people”

      • tanstaafl says:

        Well, that’s a broad stroke. Another word for it is “hypocrite”. Some ideologies have more of that than others. In fact, some are made of what Orwell termed “doublethink”, and they enrich the world with lots and lots of projection, very loudly.

        Does the applicable jurisdiction have laws against child labour, by the by? That would make lawyer lady complicit in fostering child labour by forbidding company representatives to check that candidate is old enough to be gainfully employed. Perhaps a competent lawyer could manage to paint that wilful criminal negligence, or something like that. (IANAL, so ask a real one.)

  5. Edward says:

    If her parents formed their own company, she could work for them as unpaid child labor (allowed by parents). That company then subcontracts out with the game company and puts the money into a trust fund for her (minus small administrative fee). Win win.

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