9 Responses to 115 | Cinnamon Roles

  1. Frank says:

    And were they still fresh?

  2. Our lady attorney should have created a list or found a list of written guidelines for their gender swapping exercise. Perhaps, she should have asked these game developers to wear office appropriate clothing for women, not wear their best fan convention costumes. As for gender-roles in the workplace, why not see an online video about Rosie the Riveter and then the “Night Witches” that was a World War II German nickname for the all-female military aviators of the 588th Night Bomber Regiment, known later as the 46th “Taman” Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment, of the Soviet Air Forces. Wait, does the lady attorney want to trick the men into making a game about the Soviet Night Witches? Maybe, she has a grandmother that saw combat as a Soviet aviator and wants to honor her grandmother’s memory with a game.

  3. Scarsdale says:

    It’s funny, my oldest had a crush on the pink ranger, My youngest watched a lot of anime back in the say, (yes sailor moon too), Carrie Fisher and I are the same age, and I can see one of them borrowing the vet’s sword to poke at the science nerds’ tesla coil’s bra…. (insert a loud crackle, someone floating mid-air spread eagle, hair like a toilet brush, everyone laughing, and calling out “My turn!”)

  4. evileeyore says:

    I just noticed Ms Lawyer looks like a Muppet…

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